Emoticon wiki
Confused emoticon
Common text format symbols: :S, :s
Emotion(s): Confusion, unsure of something



What it means

Confused is an expression used when someone is experiencing a situation where the person is overwhelmed by topics, or the number of events. It can also be used when a person does not understand something previously mentioned. The symbol colon, ':', and the letter S or s make up the basic emoticon symbol for confusion, :S. Example: "Well, this does NOT make sense. :S." Some people do it like this- :| Yeah. You can edit this Cite anytime you want.

What it is made out of


One colon.

One capital 'S'.


One colon.

One lowercase 's'.

How to make it


Step 1. Add the colon: :

Step 2. Add the capital 'S': :S

Step 3. Done!


Step 1. Add the colon: :

Step 2. Add the lowercase 's': :s

Step 3. Done!
